General conditions of sale          


It is stricly forbidden to download or upload any copyrighted content (movie , software, music , picture, ...) without prior approval of the copyright content owner. It's illegal to to download or upload child pornography. It is stricly forbidden to download or upload any pornographic , erotic content on any storage solution that we represent or resell or distribute ... 


1. Orders are processed after payment has been received. Information regarding the status of your order shall be sent to the email address provided during registration. The content of your order shall be sent to you by email as soon as the payment confirmation has been received.

2. The processing lead-time of your order depends on the means of payment you have chosen.

The processing lead-time of your order or inquiries usually does not exceed 24 hours for on-line payments during opening time. Orders shall be completed within 24 hours once the payment is received in our bank accounts or in our intermediate payment account. Orders are treated and processed 7 days a week from 09:00 to 00:00 (GMT+1).

3.We reserve the right to extend the processing time of an order in the event of external factors beyond our control (e.g. crashes/breakdowns relating to the server, Internet, electricity supply, supplier service, agent handling payment, banks etc.).

4. We also reserve the right to impose additional control of transactions which we consider to be suspicious. This applies mostly to orders placed using on-line credit/debit cards.

5. We guarantee the security of accounts purchased with 24 instant – you can modify your password and email. In order to do so, send us an email so we can process your demand as soon as possible.

6. In the event of incomplete payment, we shall process the order once the missing amount is received.

7. All personal data provided during registration will be exclusively used for processing your orders and verifying suspicious transactions.

8. All complaints or remarks on errors on our part should be reported by using the email address provided during registration.


Refund, returns and cancellation policy


9. Given the nature of the service, in the case of an order which has already been processed, it is not possible to offer a refund or to cancel an extension. In the case of an order for an account extension, if the account related to the specified ID does not exist, we shall automatically create a new ID. We are not liable for incorrectly entered IDs. 


10. If a purchase is cancelled and the order has not already been processed, we will refund your payment in full. Given our fast treatment of the orders, we advise you to make your request of cancellation as quickly as possible. Otherwise we cannot guarantee that your demand can still be taken into consideration.  Reimbursement will be completed within 7 working days. Our services are limited to voucher / code / login supply. Terms and conditions of use from FileHosting company must be respected at all time. 

11. The consumer is not entitled to it's right of waiver of purchase in the following case, according to the article 47 § 4 of the law dated from 6 April 2010 concerning the market rules and consumer protection: in case of service supply or goods supply which has started with the agreement of the buyer which has remitted the voucher to the Partners before the cancellation period of 14 calendar days.



12.  Credit card details will be handled securely to ensure confidentiality and that 128 bit SSL encryption is employed to ensure sensitive data is protected during transmission over the internet